Chris Lucas

Liberal Democrat Campaigner, living and working in Weston Ward in the beautiful city of Bath. Learn more

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Winners of the Abbey Quiz 2014!

by chrislucas on 23 March, 2014

Abbey 2014 Quiz Winners: The WWW Alliance!

Abbey 2014 Quiz Winners: The WWW Alliance!

Introducing the winners and defending champions of the Abbey Quiz Cup… The WWW. (that’s Weston, Widcombe with a bit of support this year from Walcot) Alliance! Winning contestants were:


Weston – Chris Lucas & Celina Lucas

Widcombe – Cllr. Ian Gilchrist & Linda Hawes

Walcot – Cllr. Lisa Brett


Due to the judges allowing a fifth member on to our team this year (who, to be fair came late and missed out on an entire round), truth be known we were not the most universally popular choice of winners! All we can say is that we look forward to defending our title against all comers next year!




PS, the question is, with the steward’s enquiry on team numbers, how on earth are we going to fit Westmoreland in next year?!?!Winners-of-the-Abbey-Quiz-2014/cub6/076AA011-5A5F-4E0F-9C82-B0D41EE14EC5

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